sábado, agosto 30

my fellow americans

we will no longer be oppressed by the fascism of christianity,
and we will no longer be oppressed by the fascism of beauty.
'cause I see you all sitting out there trying your hardest not to be ugly...
trying your hardest not to fit in...

trying your hardest to earn your way into heaven...
but let me ask you:

do you wanna be in a place that’s filled with a bunch of assholes?!

segunda-feira, agosto 25

- why is that ?
- 'cause John Abruzzi runs it.
- Johnabruzzi' John Abruzzi ?

- Johnabruzzi' John Abruzzi...

domingo, agosto 17

do Lat. cogitare
v. tr.,
imaginar, cogitar, supor;
fazer com cuidado;

v. int.,
aplicar a atenção;
reflectir, considerar;
trabalhar, interessar-se por;
tratar de;

v. refl.,
imaginar-se, julgar-se.
dar que -: causar inquietação


segunda-feira, agosto 4

holidays out!


