segunda-feira, julho 14


to begin whipping dance of the dead,
blackened - is the - end!
to begin whipping dance of the dead!

is the outcome of hypocrisy,
darkest - poten - CY!
in the exit of hu-ma-ni-ty,
color our world blackened!


2 comentários:

Catarina disse...

top top era uma musica dos magic interpol (podia ser a magic slow hands) tocada por meldin nails :)


notes hit: 100% (312/312)
score: 204387
streak: 312 notes
avg multiplier: 6.2X

Catarina disse...


:: onde se lê
"notes hit: 100% (312/312)"
deve ler-se
"notes hit: 100% (435/435)"

:: onde se lê
"streak: 312 notes"
deve ler-se
"streak: 435 notes"

:: onde se lê
"avg multiplier: 6.2X"
deve ler-se
"avg multiplier: error, too much nail power"

agora sim, WOW :o